Mustard Seed
I'm Amy. I have two of the best hiking partners in the world...NovaLeigh Mae and Josie Lynne. We live in the Columbia River Gorge area of SW Washington. When covid hit in 2020 and some things in my life changed, I started to go hiking again. It was only going to be a few hikes, but then it turned into every single week without fail. We couldn't stop, hiking in all weather, year round. Hiking became the best medicine for life really. It is how I reset and recharge each week, processing everything needed in life. We have averaged about 60 hikes per year. It is amazing how much we have grown together as hiking partners. We have crossed raging rivers of glacial melt, climbed mountains, hiked under waterfalls, bivouacked in inhospitable locations, been tracked by cougars, been lost and found, run into would-be abductors, been stranded on snowy back roads, been blistered and sunburned and yes, even unconscious more than once. But the most important thing that I have learned from all my hiking is that faith the size of a mustard seed really does move mountains! If you want to hear our stories and see some amazing photos of these brave, courageous and determined girls, please enjoy this blog.